Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Things You See on a Subway Wall

This will be another post like "signs and wonders" from several months ago. I just want to share some of the cute, bizarre, and noteworthy signage that I have seen around. (Sorry to disappoint if you were actually expecting things from the subway, since I think only one of them is from the subway station.) There are three signs to guess and then the rest are just for your enjoyment.


a. The first one is a "do not play Pokemon go here" sign. I hear that they are becoming popular all over the world...

b. The second one is a commercial for a ginger product (the image is a ginger root).

c. The third is a glassed off square for smoking in the middle of a non-smoking park. Japan has not caught on to the dangers of lung cancer yet...

1 comment:

  1. The little ginger root is so cute!
    It seems like a lot of places are getting a little tired of Pokemon Go. The game itself is a good idea to get people moving but I guess players are not being very attentive to where they are.

    I do wonder though what the subway is like there. I find that the subways in each different country says alot about that countries "personality" if you will.

    Did you try any of the sandwiches from that last picture? It looks like a Subway menu board, they look pretty good, but then again I guess they are supposed to.
