Thursday, February 18, 2016

Life would be as Shaky as... as... 地震

     This will be a short post - just a blip under the radar. 

     This week while I was standing and cleaning my apartment suddenly felt like a car ran into the building. I slightly lost my balance and a box fell off my counter. What??? Since a car did not run into the building - I checked - I searched for seismic activity in Japan. Yep, a little, baby earthquake like the ones we felt in California.  They are on the same fault line, but it still surprised me.

      Just thought I'd share. And, yes, I am still safe and ok. 

Here is a link to Japan's recent seismic activity.


  1. Glad to hear you are OK and so fun to catch up on your adventures...sipping coffee out of my blue Jenn mug this morning and praying for you! We miss you!!! EA

  2. Eep!!! That's so scary!! I'd probably be on the floor crying.... I've never felt an earthquake before T.T Glad you're safe <3 and that no car did run into your building... haha

  3. How are you doing?? Been looking for an update! Love, Brooke

  4. Whoa! I love though that your first thought is car running into the building haha. That would be more dangerous in some ways. How freaky though! I'm glad you weren't hurt. Did anyone talk about it after or is it just one of those normal things like our freak 5 minute monsoons?
